Thrive Like a Mother Podcast

Transformation at Your Own Pace

Ebony Fleming Season 3 Episode 32

Spoiler alert: the break I took from the podcast lasted longer than I initially thought or planned it to. But here's the thing, as you'll hear in today's episode a pause of rest and reflection is sometimes necessary for us to truly live, thrive, and show up as our best selves.

In a world that often celebrates hustle, we’re diving deep into the power of slowing down. Discover how taking a break can improve not only your productivity but also your overall mindset. This discussion highlights the importance of embracing your unique journey and letting go of comparisons with others. 

I share personal insights from my own journey, illustrating how taking time to pause, reflect, and rest can lead to profound clarity and growth. I talk about what it means to me to live authentically and at one’s own pace. 

Are you ready to embrace transformation with me? Let's redefine how we perceive success and acceptance in our lives. Share your journey of transformation and let’s grow together!

Thank you so much for listening in! If anything in this episode resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you left a review or shared it with a friend or on social media.

And don't forget to tag me so I can personally thank you for helping me get the word out.

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Sending you light and love always!

Ebony Fleming:

Hey, love, I'm Ebony and welcome to Thrive Like a Mother On this podcast. We're scared for our truth, but that fear is what fuels us to truly live in it. You're in the right place if you feel like you're stuck in survivor mode and you're ready to step into who you were truly meant to be. I'll share resources and tools I use daily to help you in your journey towards a healthier mindset and to break the wheel of survival. The journey may not be easy, but you won't have to face it alone. I'm a mama of three, healing day by day from past trauma, and I'm on a mission to build a life I've always dreamed of but never thought was possible. So, love, if you're ready to believe in what's possible, let's link arms and thrive together. Welcome back, thrivers. Oh, oh, my gosh. That feels so good to say y'all, I cannot even I can barely contain my excitement to be recording again, to be done with my break that I took and honestly, y'all, I really just want to jump right into it here. I'm not going to waste any time. I know that your time is valuable and I want to honor that, so I'm going to jump right in.

Ebony Fleming:

Why did I take a break, like, if you didn't notice, I'm in a little bit quiet. Let's start with the beginning, right? I recognized for a while or I've known for a while that there are seasons in life, right? Even more so, I started to recognize the importance of seasons of rest and reflection, and that's huge for me, y'all, because I am such a big planner, I think that I always will be, honestly. But recently I have been leaning more into doing what feels right and not necessarily needing to plan every single detail out. And so when I got to the end of season one, that last episode, I was like, okay, yeah, this is it, and it was. It was the episode where I had just done the first hike, like a mother event. I had recorded that episode and I felt it. I felt I was like, yeah, this feels like a good pausing point. This feels like a point to take some time, not only to rest, because I have been going, going, going since before February when I launched, because there was that time where I was learning everything that I needed to do to launch a podcast, and so I had been going, honestly, nonstop, and I was like, all right, girl, it's time to pause, first of all, get some rest, take a break and then also take time to reflect on what things went amazing for this season and what things I wanted to improve on, and come back to y'all with the fire and the passion that I know I wanted to continue to give you. And so it just it felt right.

Ebony Fleming:

I want to talk about really quickly that season. I don't want to say season of hustle, because I I used to be a strong believer of the season of hustle and now I no longer. My viewpoints are changing, my eyes are open, but there was a point where, right before the end of season one, where I was talking with my coach and talking to her about all the things that I had done no, I had done the masterclasses, launched two of those. I published a book. Let's go back further. Before the masterclasses, I published a book that turned into the masterclasses. I did that twice and then I did the hike and then I had that amazing end of season one and there was so much the feelings, the feelings that I had. There were feelings of accomplishment, but there was also a feeling just like an urge to slow down rather than to keep pushing out content. And I listened to my gut. I was like okay, I hear you, I'm going to pause and I'm going to come back even better for you guys. That was the goal of the break and I could have, honestly, like I said, I'm a planner, I could have planned an actual date to end season one and I really could have like made a whole big thing and just been like, yes, this is going to be the end of season one, all those things right. But that didn't. It just didn't feel right. It didn't feel authentic to plan that out, I think, going forward, that is kind of how I'm going to do it, going forward as well. You won't know when the end of season two will be. Honestly, I probably won't know until I feel it.

Ebony Fleming:

So let's touch on that moment that I had right. I was sitting at my computer challenging what I've always known and sitting in that uncomfortable feeling of transformation. I was like, girl, you got two paths here. You can keep going, which we know you can do, but does that feel right? Or you can take a break and rest, reflect, come back even stronger, challenging my never stop mindset that I've had ever since I was a kid.

Ebony Fleming:

In that moment, I decided to instead cultivate this new mindset that I have of doing what feels right, and if, in that moment, it felt like I needed to slow down and rest, then that's what I was going to do. I am focusing in on the mindset that there is no rush guys, I'm not in a race, we are not in a race. That there is no rush guys, I'm not in a race, we are not in a race. And in that moment I fully embraced that I'm allowed to go at my own pace. And so I want to give you the permission too, as well, because I think we don't hear it often enough. There's a lot of if you want to be successful, do exactly what I did, these three easy steps, things like that. Right, we hear that so often instead of just saying you know what, I don't have it figured all out, but I'm going at my own pace and I'm figuring it out on my own, and we're allowed to do that. And if that means taking a break, then that is okay. If that means you know I am not going to push myself to work harder during this time, then that is okay. And while we're kind of on this subject, we're moving into the subject of going at our own pace, I kind of want to address the challenge of something else that came up for me during that like challenge moment, right, that uncomfortable feeling that I was like should I take a break or shouldn't I?

Ebony Fleming:

When you find your passion and you truly start living in your purpose which is something that I feel like I've done over the past year now it feels like I honestly I started to do what I've always done, right. I started to look around me and what other people were doing, what steps they were taking, and I started to wonder if I was taking too long. I know that sounds so silly, right, like taking too long for what, ebony? Like what? What are you talking about, eb? So here's the thing that happens when you compare your journey with others. First, you either forget the joy that comes with being unique, which I definitely talked about in season one.

Ebony Fleming:

I talked about being authentic and how it's so beautiful that we're all so unique in our own different ways. That's the first thing that's going to happen You're going to lose that joy of being unique. And second, you're going to start to wonder if the pace you're going at is the reason that you need to give up on your passion, your dream, your mission. Mm-mm. Yeah, I said this is the tough love part of this episode.

Ebony Fleming:

If you are someone who struggles with this, like I am, because I do I start to think, all right, if things aren't happening fast enough, I might need to switch to something else. No, we are not doing that anymore. Nope, this season, this season, we're doing things differently. We are embracing not only going at our own pace, but we're letting go of what it means to want to match anyone else's pace, because we think it will help us get there faster to success. We're letting go of those and we're embracing going at our own pace Because it's beautiful, like I said, to have your own unique pace and your own unique path. No one is going to do it like you are, no one. So I'm going to end there. I'm gonna end there. I'm gonna end with a tough love.

Ebony Fleming:

Yes, y'all, it feels so good to be back, to be pouring into you all again and choosing to thrive together. If you can't tell the vibe I'm going for, this season is completely an embracing transformation, and I really hope that this episode not only welcomed you back because welcome back but it also gave you the permission that maybe you've been looking for to embrace the change, embrace the transformation, challenge those mindsets that you've had all your life and remember to feel empowered and going at your own pace and being okay with your pace, because it's yours, you own it. So, y'all, if you love this episode and you're as hyped for season two as I am, please tag me on Instagram and tell me how you are deciding to embrace transformation with me this season. Thank you so much for listening. Love. If anything in today's episode resonated with you, share it with your bestie, or share it on social media and tag me so we can chat about it, as always, sending you light and love, and remember you are worthy, you are enough and you deserve to thrive.

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